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Did You Know…PDi Style!

Did You Know…PDi Style!
Cat Saettel

As part of our 40th Anniversary celebration, we’re launching a special series of blogs throughout 2020. Each month you’ll see insights from a different member of the PDi team. Our goal is to bring you more fully into the PDi family. Our third in this series comes to you from Cat Saettel, PDi Marketing Manager.


Ever heard of a robotic welding machine named BEAUFORD? Well, PDi has one!

Beauford, the robotic welding machine

As we celebrate our 40th anniversary, we’re thinking about our 40 years of history, stories and fun facts. Today we want to share some of our favorite fun facts with you!


American-Made Commitment


PDi is a US manufacturer focused only on healthcare and delivering a high quality experience for customers and patients. FUN FACT: We even have 3 employees who have been here for nearly all 40 years of our company history! In 1989, we built a 70,000-square-foot plant in Springboro, OH located along I-75 between Dayton and Cincinnati.


The Complete Package

LR TechRM_ArmTVs

We design and build complete patient television displays 14” through 55”, and all the hardware you need to go along with it. This includes PDi-manufactured personal TVs or TV-Tablets, arms and arm mounts, low-voltage power supplies and more.

FUN FACT: We began by producing arms in 1980 for Positioning Devices, Inc; thus the name PDi. We added powder coating capabilities to our plant in 1990, became ISO Certified in 2002, and in 2007 expanded the second floor. 

Long Lasting, Cost-effective Solutions

The broadcasting industry shifted away from analog broadcasts to digital technology back in 2007. Have you upgraded your TVs?

FUN FACT: PDi designs arm-mounted solutions for backwards compatibility so you can leverage your existing arms, mounts, and low-voltage power supplies. See our latest medTV16 to replace older model Persona P10 sets as shown below, or visit medTV19 to upgrade your P15X patient televisions. 



Forward-Thinking Innovators

FUN FACT: PDi was the first to market in 1992 with an interactive bedside tv and again in 2013 with an Android-based tablet built for healthcare. If you want to offer more than just basic TV, the medTAB touchscreen interactive patient systems include pre-loaded apps for games and relaxation with the option to setup with internet connectivity or custom apps. We also build devices with other leading interactive patient software systems such as pCare or Journey.Call today to learn more: 800.628.9870.


Evolving with the Market

FUN FACT: In 2008, our award-winning P-Series hospital wall TVs offered modular flexibility for healthcare customers. The P-Series modules included PC or DVD options to expand entertainment or patient education on UL-Listed healthcare-grade TV sets 22” through 42”.

Today, PDi builds medTV Smart hospital TVs from 24” displays through 55” Ultra-HD resolution TVs with built-in enhanced entertainment apps for games and relaxation, NO internet access required and NO subscription required.

PSeriesfrontPDi P-Series TV rear view with modules

Do you remember our decade-old P-Series TV?


We Have a Support Network

PDi has authorized distributors and servicers across the US, Canada and the Mid-East Region. FUN FACT: In 2009, PDi also established a service organization. From site assessments for structural mounts and OSHPD/OPM designs, to signal and headend solutions, certified installations and repairs, we are with you every step of the way. PDi ProServices ensures your needs are met. We evaluate TV equipment for reuse on retrofits. We build innovative solutions, and we are problem-solvers. We install, maintain, and always guarantee our work. Learn more at PDi ProServices.


Food Fun!


PDi and its employees love anything food related!

FUN FACT: Did you know PDi has their own cookbook of recipes from employees? We have some of the best fried rice and popcorn balls ever made! Did you also know, for many years Glen Rocco roasted whole pigs all night for the company picnics?

Our chili cook-off always has many entries! PDi employees enjoy the Annual Chili Contest, St Paddy’s Day carry-in (or any day that seems like a good time for more food and fun!), summer cookouts by management, and home-grown salsa contests. You might also see Tim Horton Timbits in the break room, and employees walking to lunch at Chipotle, Wendy’s or to grab a Starbucks! 


Healthy Living

We actually are health-conscious too at PDi. Many employees participate in “Get Up and Move” daily walks during break times, monthly nurse visits, and our huge wellness program that offers brain games, poker runs, minute-to-win-it games and bingo! Oh - FUN FACT - and sometimes we even meet on Saturday’s for a nice long walk in the park! PDi really does offer a nice work-life balance.

Walk Group1


Giving Back

FUN FACT: We love to give back too! We participate in the Dayton Children’s Hospital toy collection and monthly donations to support our local St. Vincent dePaul community assistance center. We really do love what we do, and do what we love.

ToysFood 2019 MR

Celebrating 40 years of experience means 40 years of fun here at PDi! We’re grateful for everyone who has been a part of our history and can’t wait to share more fun times with you in the future!

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